Dimension's are data elements (columns) on which Measure objects can be pivoted or transformed. For example, the 'Analyte Name' dimension may be used to pivot a single 'Result' measure into one series per Analyte.
Returns a description of this dimension.
Returns the label of this dimension.
Returns the column name of this dimension.
Returns the name of the query associated with this dimension.
Returns the name of the schema associated with this dimension.
Returns the data types of this dimension.
Returns the set of available unique values for this dimension.
Returns whether this dimension is part of a user-defined query (versus a built-in/system-provided query).
Dimension's are data elements (columns) on which Measure objects can be pivoted or transformed. For example, the 'Analyte Name' dimension may be used to pivot a single 'Result' measure into one series per Analyte.