Interface GetUsersWithPermissionsOptions

interface GetUsersWithPermissionsOptions {
    active?: boolean;
    allMembers?: boolean;
    containerPath?: string;
    failure?: RequestFailure<any>;
    group?: string;
    groupId?: number;
    includeInactive?: boolean;
    name?: string;
    permissions: string | string[];
    requiredVersion?: number;
    scope?: any;
    success?: RequestSuccess<GetUsersResponse>;

Hierarchy (view full)


active?: boolean

This value is used to filter members based on activity (defaults to false).

allMembers?: boolean

This value is used to fetch all members in subgroups.

containerPath?: string

An alternate container path to get permissions from. If not specified, the current container path will be used.

failure?: RequestFailure<any>

This will be called upon failure to complete a request.

group?: string

The name of a project group for which you want the members (specify groupId or group, not both).

groupId?: number

The id of a project group for which you want the members.

includeInactive?: boolean

This value is used to optionally include deactivated members in server responses. Only used with requiredVersion 23.11. Defaults to false.

name?: string

The first part of the user name, useful for user name completion. If specified, only users whose email address or display name starts with the value supplied will be returned.

permissions: string | string[]

A permissions string or an Array of permissions strings. If multiple permissions are specified, then all returned users will have all specified permissions.

requiredVersion?: number

If not set the server will use the 23.10 version.

If set to 23.10 the server will not honor the "active" flag when using getUsersWithPermission, unless you are using the "group" parameter. This means without a group the server will only ever return active users.

If set to 23.11 the server will only honor the "includeInactive" param when using getUsersWithPermission, and if it is set to true, will return active and inactive users (no matter the value of group).

scope?: any

A scoping object for the success and failure callback functions (default to this).

This will be called upon successfully completing a request.