Interface GetContainersOptions

interface GetContainersOptions {
    container?: string | string[];
    containerPath?: string;
    depth?: number;
    failure?: RequestFailure<any>;
    includeEffectivePermissions?: boolean;
    includeInheritableFormats?: boolean;
    includeStandardProperties?: boolean;
    includeSubfolders?: boolean;
    includeWorkbookChildren?: boolean;
    moduleProperties?: string[];
    scope?: any;
    success?: RequestSuccess<any>;

Hierarchy (view full)


container?: string | string[]

A container id or full-path String or an Array of container id/full-path Strings. If not present, the current container is used.

containerPath?: string

An alternate container path to get permissions from. If not specified, the current container path will be used.

depth?: number

May be used to control the depth of recursion if includeSubfolders is set to true.

failure?: RequestFailure<any>

This will be called upon failure to complete a request.

includeEffectivePermissions?: boolean

If set to false, the effective permissions for this container resource will not be included. (defaults to true)

includeInheritableFormats?: boolean

If set to true, will include properties about the inherited state of the formats as well as formats from parent folders that can be inherited.

includeStandardProperties?: boolean

If set to true, all of the container's standard properties will be included. (defaults to true) If set to false, only the base set of properties (i.e. id, name, and path) will be included.

includeSubfolders?: boolean

If set to true, the entire branch of containers will be returned. If false, only the immediate children of the starting container will be returned (defaults to false).

includeWorkbookChildren?: boolean

If set to false, child containers of type "workbook" will not be included. (defaults to true)

moduleProperties?: string[]

The names (Strings) of modules whose Module Property values should be included for each container. Use "*" to get the value of all Module Properties for all modules.

scope?: any

A scoping object for the success and failure callback functions (default to this).

success?: RequestSuccess<any>

This will be called upon successfully completing a request.