Interface SelectDistinctOptions

interface SelectDistinctOptions {
    column: string;
    containerFilter?: ContainerFilter;
    containerPath?: string;
    dataRegionName?: string;
    failure?: RequestFailure<any>;
    filterArray?: IFilter[];
    ignoreFilter?: boolean;
    maxRows?: number;
    method?: "GET" | "POST";
    parameters?: any;
    queryName: string;
    schemaName: string;
    scope?: any;
    sort?: string;
    success?: RequestSuccess<SelectDistinctResponse>;
    viewName?: string;

Hierarchy (view full)


column: string

A single column for which the distinct results will be requested. This column must exist within the specified query.

containerFilter?: ContainerFilter

One of the values of ContainerFilter that sets the scope of this query. Defaults to ContainerFilter.current, and is interpreted relative to config.containerPath.

containerPath?: string

The container path in which the changes are to be performed. If not supplied, the current container path will be used.

dataRegionName?: string

Prefix for query parameters (e.g. filters, sorts, etc) in this request. Defaults to "query".

failure?: RequestFailure<any>

This will be called upon failure to complete a request.

filterArray?: IFilter[]

Array of objects created by Filter.create.

ignoreFilter?: boolean

If true, the command will ignore any filter that may be part of the chosen view.

maxRows?: number

The maximum number of rows to return from the server (defaults to 100000). If you want to return all possible rows, set this config property to -1.

method?: "GET" | "POST"

Specify the HTTP method to use when making the request. Defaults to GET.

parameters?: any

Map of name (string)/value pairs for the values of parameters if the SQL references underlying queries that are parameterized. For example, the following passes two parameters to the query: {'Gender': 'M', 'CD4': '400'}. The parameters are written to the request URL as follows: query.param.Gender=M&query.param.CD4=400. For details on parameterized SQL queries, see Parameterized SQL Queries.

queryName: string

Name of a query table associated with the chosen schema. See also: How To Find schemaName, queryName & viewName.

schemaName: string

Name of a schema defined within the target container. See also: How To Find schemaName, queryName & viewName.

scope?: any

A scoping object for the success and failure callback functions (default to this).

sort?: string

String description of the sort. It includes the column names listed in the URL of a sorted data region (with an optional minus prefix to indicate descending order). In the case of a multi-column sort, up to three column names can be included, separated by commas.

This will be called upon successfully completing a request.

viewName?: string

Name of a view to use. This is potentially important if this view contains filters on the data.