Interface GetQueriesOptions

interface GetQueriesOptions {
    containerPath?: string;
    failure?: RequestFailure<any>;
    includeColumns?: boolean;
    includeSystemQueries?: boolean;
    includeTitle?: boolean;
    includeUserQueries?: boolean;
    includeViewDataUrl?: boolean;
    queryDetailColumns?: boolean;
    schemaName: string;
    scope?: any;
    success?: RequestSuccess<GetQueriesResponse>;

Hierarchy (view full)


containerPath?: string

A container path in which to execute this command. If not supplied, the current container will be used.

failure?: RequestFailure<any>

This will be called upon failure to complete a request.

includeColumns?: boolean

If set to false, information about the available columns in this query will not be included in the results. Default is true.

includeSystemQueries?: boolean

If set to false, system-defined queries will not be included in the results. Default is true.

includeTitle?: boolean

If set to false, no custom query titles will be included. Instead, titles will be identical to names. Default is true.

includeUserQueries?: boolean

If set to false, user-defined queries will not be included in the results. Default is true.

includeViewDataUrl?: boolean

If set to false, view data URLs will not be included in the results. Default is true.

queryDetailColumns?: boolean

If set to true, and includeColumns is set to true, information about the available columns will be the same details as specified by getQueryDetails for columns. Defaults to false.

schemaName: string

The name of the schema.

scope?: any

A scoping object for the success and failure callback functions (default to this).

This will be called upon successfully completing a request.