Interface IGetProtocolsOptions

interface IGetProtocolsOptions {
    containerPath?: string;
    failure?: RequestFailure;
    includeWorkbooks?: boolean;
    path: string;
    scope?: any;
    success?: ((protocols: any[], defaultProtocolName: string, request: ExtendedXMLHttpRequest, config: RequestOptions) => any);
    taskId: string;


containerPath?: string

The container in which to make the request (defaults to current container)

failure?: RequestFailure

This will be called upon failure to complete a request.

includeWorkbooks?: boolean

If true, protocols from workbooks under the selected container will also be included

path: string

relative path from the folder's pipeline root

scope?: any

A scoping object for the success and failure callback functions (default to this).

success?: ((protocols: any[], defaultProtocolName: string, request: ExtendedXMLHttpRequest, config: RequestOptions) => any)

The function to call with the resulting information. This function will be passed a list of protocol objects, which will have the following properties:

  • name: name of the saved protocol.
  • description: description of the saved protocol, if provided.
  • xmlParameters: bioml representation of the parameters defined by this protocol.
  • jsonParameters: JSON representation of the parameters defined by this protocol.
  • containerPath: The container path where this protocol was saved
taskId: string

Identifier for the pipeline.