Interface ListCreateOptions

interface ListCreateOptions {
    containerPath?: string;
    createDomain?: boolean;
    description?: string;
    domainDesign?: DomainDesign;
    domainGroup?: string;
    domainKind?: string;
    domainTemplate?: string;
    failure?: RequestFailure<any>;
    fields?: any[];
    importData?: boolean;
    indices?: any[];
    keyName?: string;
    keyType?: string;
    kind?: string;
    module?: string;
    name?: string;
    options?: any;
    scope?: any;
    success?: RequestSuccess<any>;
    timeout?: number;

Hierarchy (view full)


containerPath?: string

The container path in which to create the domain.

createDomain?: boolean

When using a domain template, create the domain. Defaults to true.

description?: string

The description of this domain.

domainDesign?: DomainDesign

The domain design to save.

domainGroup?: string

The name of a domain template group.

domainKind?: string

The domain kind to create. One of "IntList", "VarList", "SampleSet", or "DataClass".

domainTemplate?: string

The name of a domain template within the domain group.

failure?: RequestFailure<any>

This will be called upon failure to complete a request.

fields?: any[]

An array of objects that each describe a domain field. Each object has the following properties:

  • conceptURI: The URI of this field's concept. (string)
  • description: The description of this field (may be blank). (string)
  • format: The format string defined for this field. (string)
  • label: The friendly label for this field. (string)
  • lookupContainer: If this domain field is a lookup, this holds the container in which to look. (string)
  • lookupSchema: If this domain field is a lookup, this holds the schema in which to look. (string)
  • lookupQuery: if this domain field is a lookup, this holds the query in which to look. (string)
  • name: The name of this field. (string)
  • propertyId : The unique ID of this field.
  • propertyURI: The URI of this field. (string)
  • ontologyURI: The URI of the ontology this field belongs to. (string)
  • rangeURI: The URI for this field's range definition. Accepted values:
    • attachment
    • binary
    • boolean
    • date
    • dateTime
    • decimal
    • double
    • fileLink
    • float
    • int
    • long
    • multiLine
    • Resource
    • string
    • text-xml
    • time
  • required: Indicates whether this field is required to have a value (i.e. cannot be null). (boolean)
  • searchTerms: The search terms for this field. (string)
  • semanticType: The semantic type of this field. (string)
importData?: boolean

When using a domain template, import initial data associated in the template. Defaults to true.

indices?: any[]

An array of objects that each designate an index upon the domain. Each object has the following properties

  • columnNames : An array of strings, where each string is the name of a domain field that will be an index. (array).
  • unique : Indicates whether the domain field is allowed to contain any duplicate values. (boolean).
keyName?: string

Use options.keyName instead. The name of the key column. The options.keyName takes precedence if both are specified.

keyType?: string

Use kind instead. The type of the key column. Can be IntList, VarList, or AutoIncrementInteger. The kind takes precedence if both are specified. Note: If the AutoIncrementInteger configuration is desired and you're specifying kind then the kind should be set to IntList and the options.keyType should be set to AutoIncrementInteger.

kind?: string

The domain kind to create. Currently supported:

  • DataClass
  • IntList
  • SampleSet
  • StudyDatasetDate
  • StudyDatasetVisit
  • VarList
module?: string

The name of a module that contains the domain template group.

name?: string

The name of this domain.

options?: any

Arguments used to create the specific domain type.

scope?: any

A scoping object for the success and failure callback functions (default to this).

success?: RequestSuccess<any>

This will be called upon successfully completing a request.

timeout?: number