Update an existing LabKey Freezer Manager storage item to change its properties or location within the freezer hierarchy.
For the UpdateCommand, the "rowId" primary key value is required to be set within the props.
// Update the properties of a freezer LABKEY.Storage.updateStorageItem({ type:'Freezer', props: { rowId:8087, description:'Updated freezer from API', status:'Defrosting' }, success:function(response) { console.log(response); } });
// Update the location of a box in the freezer LABKEY.Storage.updateStorageItem({ type:'Terminal Storage Location', props: { rowId:19382, locationId:8089// move Box #1 from Shelf #1 to Shelf #2 }, success:function(response) { console.log(response); } });
Update an existing LabKey Freezer Manager storage item to change its properties or location within the freezer hierarchy. For the UpdateCommand, the "rowId" primary key value is required to be set within the props.