The name of a column that is available in the associated query.
Value(s) to be filtered upon.
type: IFilterTypeFilter type for the filter. Defaults to LABKEY.Filter.Types.EQUAL
A filter instance.
// Create a request with the data filtered
schemaName: 'lists',
queryName: 'People',
filterArray: [
LABKEY.Filter.create('FirstName', 'Johnny'),
LABKEY.Filter.create('Age', 15, LABKEY.Filter.Types.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL)
LABKEY.Filter.create('LastName', ['A', 'B'], LABKEY.Filter.Types.DOES_NOT_START_WITH),
success: function (data) {
console.log("Success! " + data.rowCount + " rows returned.");
failure: function (errorInfo, options, responseObj) {
console.error("Failed to query 'lists.People'.", errorInfo);
Creates a filter