• Saves a modified batch. Runs within the batch may refer to existing data and material objects, either inputs or outputs, by ID or LSID. Runs may also define new data and materials objects by not specifying an ID or LSID in their properties. See the Module Assay documentation for more information.


    • options: SaveBatchOptions
      protocolName: LABKEY.Experiment.SAMPLE_DERIVATION_PROTOCOL,
      batch: {
      properties: {
      // property URI from a Vocabulary
      'urn:lsid:labkey.com:Vocabulary.Folder-114:MyVocab#field1': '123'
      runs: [{
      name: 'two',
      properties: {
      // property URI from a Vocabulary
      'urn:lsid:labkey.com:Vocabulary.Folder-114:MyVocab#field1': '123'

    Returns XMLHttpRequest