The class used to wrap each row object returned from the server during a GetData, executeSql, or selectRows request. Most users will not instantiate these themselves. Instead they will interact with them during the success handler of the API they are using.


  • [attr: string]: any






links: any


  • Gets the requested column from the row. Includes extended values such as display value, URL, etc. When requested version is >16.2, multi-value columns will return an array of objects containing "value" and other properties. In the "17.1" format, "formattedValue" may be included in the response as the column display value formatted with the display column's format or folder format settings.


    • columnName: string

      The column name requested. Used to do a case-insensitive match to find the column.

    Returns any

    For the given columnName, returns an object in the common case or an array of objects for multi-value columns. The object will always contain a property named "value" that is the column's value, but it may also contain other properties about that column's value. For example, if the column was setup to track missing value information, it will also contain a property named mvValue (which is the raw value that is considered suspect), and a property named mvIndicator, which will be the string MV indicator (e.g., "Q").

  • Gets a specific link type for a row (details, update, etc.).


    • linkType: string

      The name of the link type to be returned.

    Returns any

    Returns an object with the display text and link value.

  • Gets all of the links for a row (details, update, etc.).

    Returns any

    Returns an object with all of the links types (details, update, etc.) for a row.

  • Gets the simple value for the requested column. Equivalent of doing Row.get(columnName).value. For multi-value columns, the result is an array of values.


    • columnName: string

      The column name requested. Used to do a case-insensitive match to find the column.

    Returns any

    Returns the simple value for the given column.